About Me

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Knitter, nanny, old movie lover



I was going to blog for the month of December, in prep for school and life changes.  Processing help/friend updates.   I'm late, but I'll just try to blog.

  Moving in January.  From an apartment that houses few of my things, but is still over crowded, to a duplex that I'm ready to set up to feel like home.  I feel a little old, I'm excited about the closet space, and the new appliances in the kitchen.  There's a yard, and I have permission to plant yummy and pretty things.

  Starting school in January.  Still working on the schedule, I have yet to look at a campus map while planning my classes, and the system for registering is quite a bit different from what I'm used to. . .must get Man to help with that.
  I'm hoping that I can find the money to move this month to settle in and have a study space set up at the new place.  There's more than enough room for it.  I might be able to have my piano at the duplex as well.  I'm obviously more excited about the duplex than school.  Though school will probably be a bigger topic of blogging.  Maybe?  Studying or decorating/organizing?  Hmmm...

  The knitting habit is not as constant and obsessive as I would like.  I'm currently on a higher note, despite not finishing projects people have requested me to make.  Yesterday I finished a hat, and last week I finished a cabled vest/cardigan thing.  It came out to be two different colours because of the yarn being a more natural dye, and I bought skeins from two different stores.

    The baby I watch is getting more of a personality and vocabulary.  Yesterday he pretended to knit, said my name for the first time and was generally entertaining and fun. I believe he said please or asked for help every time, getting frustrated only once.  I expect a fit or two to be thrown today.  Especially since his big nap today is apparently only going to be a little nap.  He needs 2 1/2 hours, but it looks like he's settling for 1 1/2... ...  Or maybe I'm settling. . .
*waits*  No... He's awake, and not the kind that goes back to sleep.

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