About Me

My photo
Knitter, nanny, old movie lover


Finished knitted things.....

A wash cloth with a cabled owl.  
It was supposed to be a square, but came out as a diamond. 

Elias is modeling a great little bib, 
with a owl that you can't see too well.
But it's there and waving.
Finally a wrist warmer/glove thing.

I must have been going through a blue period this week.


Apologies for the horrible quality of photography...

Book review or something

So I started reading book, and it's been quite a read.  So I'm writing a book report.  Accept it. Read it. Start a conversation, or don't.

What Paul Really said about Women

It's by a pastor who took the greek of Paul's writing about women (and marriage), and broke it down over again.  He took the english, translated it back into Greek, using the best words to create the same meanings in Greek that are in the English translation...turns out those words were completely different.

I haven't really gotten into it, but the first chapter, he explains the views in the world at the time when Paul was writing, in the place where Paul was writing and writing to; Athens had a different view from Rome, Cairo different from Sparta...  The philosophies came from Greece, Egypt and Sparta had more a sexually equal society but didn't have philosophers who were respected to pass on the ideas.  When men from Greece did visit, they were appalled at the idea that women were given so much freedom (in Egypt they were independent, able to own land, and pass it on to their children, which is really impressive)


I'll get back to this.



I can't write with out a pen that inspires me.

The ink, the paper, the sound...

Scratchy or smooth?

It's so sad when the ink runs out.
  This typing is usually uninspiring, the screen uncomfortable to look at, too bright, white and the type is never what I want.

It's kind of depressing.


Not a lot to say.


Work in progress Wednesday... on a Thursday

Since last week I haven't started anything new except these squares.  

Just a basic granny square, with some pretty fun colors.

And a little one who arranged them for me, and is climbing on the couch.

I finished some wrist warmers, and a sweater...


This weekend I finally stuffed the dog I made for a friend.

Here he is. . .next to his donor creature.

I was completely out of stuffing, and the nephew was being born, I had an hour to sew on his face and stuff him.

The donor creature was sacrificed, perhaps to be stuffed again at a later date.

A in process picture.   And a decent view of his face.

The donor is blind-folded for his own safty.

Oh no!  I forgot the ears!!!

There we go.
*Note for the pictures:  Slinky because I'm the $link$, and the flower is a special one that a little guy named Guy made for me.. . ..   Years ago, he's not that little any more.
As a senior in high school, I had received my first ever flower for Valentine's day, from my first ever Valentine.  I left it out on a table, while I served the couples at church.  When I returned, it was shredded, thrown away with little traces of left overs mocking me.  
   The kids had come to eat at that table, and destroyed.   I was sad and "Oh no! That is really sad!" came out of my mouth.  Guy was the last kid to leave, and asked what was wrong, because he was one of the best kids ever.   
   I explained.  

The next Sunday at church he presented me with this flower.  

And I still have it.   

Seven years later.
It meant a lot.

Wait...  It's been 7 years since high school?  ...  25 - 18...  yeah, that's 7.

And here it is on the way to it's new owner.


It was received with lots of love.  


And now there is a request for owls. 
  Owls of every kind.  

As many as I can make. 


New babies do this to you:  More cute toys!

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating - in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.”

- Anne Morriss

*found on THIS blog


I'm sitting in the living room, wrapped in a blanket I've been crocheting for the past 3 years.  The AC is barely on and there's a fan blowing on my feet.  Today I had some good times with the Man, studied for Test #3 for my summer class (A average thank you), and worked on squares for a blanket #2, also crochet.  Oh, and I've started a project I can't tell you about, but it's for Kate R.  (Not included in WIPW.  It's knit, and not my original idea. But it's classy soft wonderful yarn, so it's still going to be great).

After much back and forth with checklists and transcripts and course equivalent lists, I almost sure that if I keep going on this degree, I have about 26 classes left to go.  (Other degree under consideration:  Middle Grade Education with 22 classes)

I am considering blogging about financial adventures, certainly more knitting projects.

And I will always be dreaming that I'm half as interesting as Kelly.   Amazing grad student @UNCW.  She rambles, and rarely remembers to add a paragraph break, but work it.

(okay, you got me, I'm not sitting in the living room any more, I'm at work.  About to wake up the baby.  But I was when I started)


Work in Progress Wednesday

I happened across a blog, though I already knew about it's existence (from Ravelry), that blogged "WIP Wednesday."  I was curious to see what I had going...  I took some pictures with my point and shoot and here we go.
Project One:
 This friends is the start of a blanket.
     I bought a giant HUGE skein of yarn...
with no project in mind.  So I started a blanket.
   The squares are supposed to be the same size.


We'll see how this goes...
 This is the Christmas stocking promised to be made for Kristen King
  (new sister!)

for last Christmas.

It needs to be ripped out and done over.
   The front looks okay, but the back got tangled.

Really tangled

This is a horrid picture of a decent sweater.
   We'll see how it goes.

It's the same one made for Katie F.

     That same sweater.

And my favorite for last

A scrap blanket.   As you can tell, the beginning (on the right) I had a plan, and it faded into a mess.  It's big enough to cover the bed.  But I will probably keep going.

I also have started, some where, a sweater with a complicated color work pattern.    I don't think I'll ever get that done, and I can't find it, so I'm leaving it be. 

A Suggestion...

I just wanted to say that a friend started a blog, and you should read it.
